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Maybe we focus on good things, even the right things that help our business grow and create wealth. This clip is always a good reminder to me that sometimes we miss obvious opportunities because we dont recognize them. This is an old video but a great concept to keep our heads up and not to disregard whats happening in the periphery

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Maybe we focus on good things, even the right things that help our business grow and create wealth. This clip is always a good reminder to me that sometimes we miss obvious opportunities because we dont recognize them. This is an old video but a great concept to keep our heads up and not to disregard whats happening in the periphery

Malachi, That is a great observation and video. Sometimes we stare at the door that just slammed shut so long and so hard that we don't see the other door open.

P.S. I got the number of passes correct and I saw the gorilla, but I didn't see the curtain change color.